Learn to Sail in Paradise with Tortola Sailing & Sights!

October 29th, 2019

Tortola Sailing and Sights Sailing School

View Tortola Sailing & Sights

Emma Paull, from Tortola Sailing and Sights Sailing School, provided the following update. She said, “If anyone asks you about Learning to Sail in the BVI – please let them know about our school.” Emma also added that, “We have invested heavily in rebuilding our fleet to provide a comprehensive program of Sailing, Powerboat and Rib instruction.”

If you would like to learn to sail in paradise, Tortola Sailing & Sights is the friendliest ASA and IYT sailing school in the British Virgin Islands, Caribbean. They teach all levels from beginners, intermediate & advanced sailors in Monohulls and Catamarans. They are also one of the only schools in the BVI to teach the IYT power bareboat course and they also teach small RIB and powerboat courses.

Soley BVI based, Tortola Sailing & Sights operates out of Penn’s Landing Marina, located in the East End on Tortola. They offer calm patient instructors who are passionate about sailing. The BVI provides constant winds, fantastic weather and great sailing.

Tortola Sailing & Sights: +1 800-390-7594 or +1 284 340 7594| info@tortolasailingandsights.com

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